
丢国人的脸!小米MIUI 6被国外媒体称是最无耻的盗窃

2014-8-20 21:05 TOP数码 飞翔
外媒似乎也对MIUI6很关注,但不像国内在@雷军 舆论控制下多为赞扬,外媒一篇标题为 China's MIUI 6 Is the Most Blatant iOS 7 Ripoff Ever(中国的MIUI 6是有史以来最无耻的iOS 7盗窃), 简直丢尽中国人的脸。

China's MIUI 6 Is the Most Blatant iOS 7 Ripoff Ever
中国的MIUI 6是有史以来最无耻的iOS 7盗窃
Over the weekend, China's biggest smartphone maker, Xiaomi, released the latest version of its customized version of Android — the MIUI 6.
上周末,中国最大的智能手机制造商,小米,发布了最新版本的定制版本的Android——MIUI 6。

MIUI 6 has a new design that bears a striking resemblance to iOS 7. This isn't the first time Xiaomi has dipped into the well of Apple-inspired design; from the way its CEO dresses, to the name of products (the Mi 4, the Mi Pad, its Mi Cloud service) to the way the company markets its products, Xiaomi clearly takes inspiration and design cues from Apple, Steve Jobs and Jonny Ive.
MIUI 6有一个新的设计,与iOS 7有惊人的相似之处。小米已经不是第一次复制Apple-inspired设计了,从其CEO礼服的方式,产品的名称(Mi 4、Mi垫、Mi云服务),以本公司销售其产品的方式,小米显然需要从从苹果的乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和约翰尼·伊夫身上需找灵感和设计线索。

Heck, as John Gruber discovered, Xiaomi went as far as to steal Apple's Aperture icon to use on its own product page for the Mi 3.
Apple clones aren't a new phenomenon, especially in China. What makes Xiaomi more unique is that the company is selling its own brand — even if that brand is heavily influenced by Apple — and building its own rabid fan base around its products.
克隆苹果是不是一个新的现象,尤其是在中国。让小米更独特的是,该公司正在销售自有品牌 ,并且在建造自己的狂热的粉丝- -即使该品牌深受苹果公司的严重影响。
The company has also made influential hires. Hugo Barra left his role as VP in Google's Android division to take a job at Xiaomi global. Xiaomi has aspirations to bring its phones and products to markets outside China, Singapore and India.

It's rare to see a company with such broad aspirations of success so brazenly copy a competitor such as Apple. Of course, it helps that in IP laws in China and India are virtually non-existent.
Still, even looking at Xiaomi's past actions and designs, the extent of borrowing — no, stealing — from iOS 7 and the upcoming iOS 8 is rather unbelievable. True, nothing is original and everything is a remix, but there is still a big difference between taking an overall idea (like a grid of square application icons or pull-down notifications) and nearly pixel-for-pixel copies.
不过,即使看着小米的过去的行为和设计,借用的程度 - -不,偷- - 来自iOS7和即将推出的iOS8是相当令人难以置信。诚然,没有什么是原创,一切都是混合的,但仍有可取的总体思路(比如方应用程序图标或下拉通知一栏),不过副本之间也有很大的不同。 

Looking through screenshots and reviews on the MIUI forum, many Mashable employees had a hard time distinguishing between an Apple design and the MIUI design; most assumed the MIUI 6 screenshot was something from an official Apple app or from the upcoming iOS 8.
翻翻看MIUI论坛的截图和评论,发现许多混日子的员工很难区分一个苹果设计和MIUI设计,大多数认为MIUI 6截图是来自官方的苹果应用或即将到来的iOS 8。
Barra has claimed that Xiaomi doesn't copy from Apple. Just last month, Barra told The Next Web that "if anything ... Apple copied some stuff" from MIUI, not the other way around.
巴拉声称,小米重来没有山寨苹果的设计。就在上个月,巴拉对一个网站声称“如果有什么东西,那将是苹果复制miui的,”而不是相反的 。
MIUI 6 is available as a ROM for a variety of Android phones, which means that even if you live in a country without access to Xiaomi products — like the United States — you can try out the Android skin for yourself.
MIUI6可作为ROM,适用于各种Android手机,这意味着,即使你住在一个没有小米产品的地方- - 如美国 ,你也可以尝试一下用miui的个性化主题来装扮自己的Android手机。


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